TML would like to share with you an inspirational video of TML's Laura KittyCat who struggled with body image issues being a petite woman & Benita Brown Thick Girls Pole Instructor who also was a little leary herself to step into a pole dance studio by herself for the first time. Here these two ladies move as one showing us that any woman at any size can embrace their inner feminine sensuality. I love this video because I have struggled my entire life letting my weight define who I was. I measured my "desirability" in my 20's & 30's against those with who had a bit more of the "society acceptable" physique causing myself many body image insecurities most of my life, constantly feeling "less than" or not "good enough" "thin enough" so so so much pain,self hatred & tears.
Many of us suffer in so many ways when we try to fit into a cookie cutter mold instead of learning to LOVE our OWN unique mold. Everyday is a journey for me to love myself as I am, its another day NOT to try to hide a roll on my waistline, another day to say I am both beautiful inside and outside. I thank these two women for opening up to the camera sharing their vulnerabilities and allowing me to share this with you today.
Please remember no matter where you are at in your journey everyday is a first step; when you look at a photo avoid at all costs "speaking to self".... I want to look like THAT that only tells you something is WRONG with you...instead look in the mirror and say "because I LOVE YOU I'm going to do the BEST I can do for you today...I will use food as fuel, I will move just a bit more then yesterday and I will NOT compare myself to others". -Cassandra Wycko TML...Turn Me Loose Fitness Owner
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