Thursday, March 5, 2015

Truth in the Eyes of a Photo

   The above photo hilarious yet is true for many people, self included. It is a perfect example of a negative belief pattern. 
    Fat, being fat, thinking we are fat or feeling one is fat is relative to what you have "hard wired" into your brain at that exact time in regards to what is...fat. IF we have a belief system that tells us anything over a size 8 is fat, IF we choose to believe advertisement companies, TV, magazines, Hollywood, business men & women who all make their LIVING off of selling us the pitch "you are broken, do this to look like this fix, only then will you be loved, accepted, popular, famous, your life will be so much easier if only .. ." 
    IF our subconscious minds are in fact YES machines well then...anyone who looks in the mirror above that size 8 who has ACCEPTED this belief system who asks themselves the daily morning mirror question, "do these jeans/does this outfit...make me look fat?" The brain will respond YES!  With this belief system...YOU WILL NEVER WIN...EVERY TIME YOU ASK the answer will be YES! YES! YES! 
     Which explains WHY when we look BACK at past photos (a time when we were disgusted at being toooo fat back then) find ourselves asking,"WTH was I thinking I WISH I looked like that NOW!" 
  Typically when sorting through photos your mind is not in the same place and you realize you lied to yourself!
      I've been all over the map with my size. I have seen & worked with women who have been all over the map with their weight. I believe it IS a disease that starts in the mind. Obesity is not the disease it's the internal thoughts going on within the individual, the inner dialogue, it is how that individual is processing outside stimulus, how he/she compares what they see with self, it's how that information is absorbed what's going on around them and how that individual relays that information to self.  
    You can be FIT at any weight as long as you take the daily steps to do what is BEST for YOUR body,mind and spirit on a consistent basis with your belief system in line with those actions. You can be 220 pounds sitting in front of the TV eating chips or 250 pounds teaching pole dance classes, skipping rope, running daily and eating clean making better choices for YOUR body.  I see women daily make that choice. You can be 100 pounds and totally unhealthy not even capable of running a mile OR you can be 100 pounds shredded in beast mode. Numbers and labels set limiting beliefs YOU have a choice to accept those limiting beliefs or to set new ones!!!